
Dec 2, 2014

SDN & NFV Asia - Booth #4

SDN & NFV Asia 2014
December 2-4
Suntec, Singapore

Visit Telco Systems Booth #4 to learn about Telco Systems' newest SDN & NFV solutions, or to discuss your Carrier Ethernet, business Ethernet, cloud services or network needs.

Moshe Shimon
Thursday, Dec. 4th @ 10:15am
“SDN/NFV at the Metro Open Edge -  IT Aware Networks Enabler”
Description: Describing how NFV/SDN will enable the evolution to IT aware networks:
-        Introducing a new open solution application
-        From service mass production to mass customization
-        Turning the Metro edge from single purpose platforms to multipurpose open platforms enabling Network APPS

Tailored towards Carriers looking into SDN and Network Virtualisation, SDN & NFV Asia is currently the ONLY free-to-attend high level SDN conference, meaning you'll meet more regional carriers involved with network virtualisation than at any other event!

Following the launch of the ETSI NFV working group & CloudNFV project, and the unprecedented market success of SDN & Open technologies; SDN & NFV Asia has made this year’s conference the essential meeting place for Carrier networking professionals.

By coming to the SDN & Virtualisation Summit 2014, you’ll gain a thorough understanding of SDN, its relevance to network functions virtualisation (NFV) and the opportunities these present to the telecoms sector in the Asia-Pacific market. But more than that, SDN & NFV Asia will be going as deep as it can from a technical point of view to understand from an engineering and architectural scope.

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