
Sep 5, 2017

iCU'17 Frankfurt

5-6 September 2017
Jumeirah Hotel, Frankfurt, Germany

NFV - Communications services providers have been turning to network functions virtualization (NFV) to reach the network agility required to serve the growing cloud access and services needs of their customers. 

NFV is all about speed and agility – making services and networks more responsive to customer needs with resources that are more elastic. This elasticity makes it possible to calibrate virtualized functions dynamically for optimal operational flexibility.

SD-WAN - Software-defined wide area network technology both disrupts and complements today’s traditional static WANs by combining programmability and commercial off-the-shelf hardware to deliver cost-effective, highly elastic alternatives to today’s static MPLS WANs. 

The adoption of SD-WAN, promises to reduce cost for both service providers and enterprises. This is thanks to SD-WAN’s ability to deploy services using centralized, programmable software and commodity hardware. Furthermore, some of the most attractive features that SD-WAN has to offer are its automatic provisioning capabilities, flexible transport options, and increased security capabilities.

In this panel we shall discuss how NFV and SD-WAN enable new business opportunities and the technological and business challenges related to these new technologies.   

Examples of questions to be discussed during the panel:
  • How can service providers benefit from NFV and SD-WAN technologies? What are the new business opportunities?
  • What are the main challenges in deployment of NFV in high scale networks?
  • Do you think that SD-WAN will replace MPLS networks? Is it going to affect service providers’ revenues? 
  • What are the main security challenges of NFV technology and what are the available solutions?
  • When do you believe that NFV technology will be fully adopted by service providers?

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