Media Coverage
Nov 9, 2017
SDX Central

Telco Systems built its business providing carrier Ethernet equipment and software for service providers. Now it has created a network functions virtualization (NFV) platform for its service provider customers. And its platform can run on open universal CPE (uCPE) hardware that supports both Intel x86 and ARM architectures.
Telco Systems has been around since 1972. It owns bragging rights for its url — But about five years ago, the company started working on a platform to deliver services via software. That has since morphed into its NFVTime product, which is generally available. NFVTime includes an operating system and a marketplace of virtual network functions (VNFs) from third-party vendors. The portfolio of certified VNFs in its marketplace includes software-defined wide-area networking (SD-WAN), vFirewall, vProbe, and vSecurity.
Telco Systems Provides Open NFV Platform with x86 and ARM Support

Telco Systems built its business providing carrier Ethernet equipment and software for service providers. Now it has created a network functions virtualization (NFV) platform for its service provider customers. And its platform can run on open universal CPE (uCPE) hardware that supports both Intel x86 and ARM architectures.
Telco Systems has been around since 1972. It owns bragging rights for its url — But about five years ago, the company started working on a platform to deliver services via software. That has since morphed into its NFVTime product, which is generally available. NFVTime includes an operating system and a marketplace of virtual network functions (VNFs) from third-party vendors. The portfolio of certified VNFs in its marketplace includes software-defined wide-area networking (SD-WAN), vFirewall, vProbe, and vSecurity.
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